鬥陣特攻 Wiki



攔路豬是個殘暴的殺手,因為恣意肆虐的暴力行為而惡名昭彰。 智械危機爆發後,智械機器人幾乎把整個國家給毀掉。政府決定把澳大利亞智械生產中心周圍的土地全數讓給智械機器人,藉此換取長久的和平。這個和平協議迫使馬可‧拉特利奇和其他大量內陸地區的居民搬離此處,其中包含了倖存者、太陽能農民、以及不願離開的人們。 失去家園這件事情引發馬可和其他人的憤怒,他們決定採取激烈手段,於是組成「澳大利亞解放陣線」來對抗智械及機器人大軍,意圖取回被奪走的土地。事件層出不窮,事情越演越烈,後來他們破壞了智械的核融合反應爐,引發一場大爆炸毀掉了智械設施,但是輻射汙染了周遭的土地,讓內陸地區方圓數公里化為廢墟,到處佈滿變形的金屬塊和殘骸。 馬可眼看著歷經災難的家鄉變成不毛之地,人生從此產生重大變化。 為了在這個環境活下來,他戴上面具、騎著臨時拼湊而成的摩托車,朝內陸地區的公路幹道前進。一路上,他的人性一點一點的消逝。最後,原本的馬克蕩然無存,殘暴無比的攔路豬就此誕生。


廢鐵槍 吸了再上 鎖鍊鉤 火力全開


For Roadhog-specific sprays, see Roadhog/Sprays.


File:Roadhog kiwi.jpg File:Roadhog mud.jpg File:Roadhog purple.jpg File:Roadhog sand.jpg File:Roadhog pigpen.jpg
KiwiTemplate:75credits MudTemplate:75credits ThistleTemplate:75credits SandTemplate:75credits PigpenTemplate:250credits
File:Roadhog stitched.jpg File:Roadhog mako.jpg File:Roadhog toa.jpg File:Roadhog Islander.jpg File:Roadhog Sharkbait.jpg
StitchedTemplate:250credits MakoTemplate:1000credits ToaTemplate:1000credits IslanderTemplate:1000credits SharkbaitTemplate:1000credits


Emotes cost 250 credits.

  • Boo!
  • Can Crusher
  • Headbanging

Victory Poses[]

File:Roadhog Pointing to the Sky.jpg File:Roadhog Thumbs Up.jpg File:Roadhog Tuckered Out.jpg
Pointing to the SkyTemplate:75credits Thumbs UpTemplate:75credits Tuckered OutTemplate:75credits

Voice Lines[]

Voice Lines cost 25 credits.

  • The Apocalypse (Welcome to the apocalypse.) (default)
  • Candy From A Baby (Like taking candy from a baby.)
  • Got Something To Say?
  • Hahaha!
  • Hook, Line, And Sinker
  • Life Is Pain, So Is Death
  • Piece Of Cake
  • Push Off
  • Say "Bacon"... (Say "bacon" one more time...)
  • Violence Is The Answer (Violence is usually the answer.)
  • We're All Animals

Highlight Intros[]

Highlight Intros cost 250 credits.

  • Little Piggy
  • Say "Cheese"
  • Whole Hog


Template:Achievement Template:Achievement



Roadhog in Going Legit

Mako Rutledge was one of the residents of the Outback when its omnium and the surrounding area was gifted to the omnics. He and other Outback residents were displaced, and formed the Australian Liberation Front to take back the land. The ALF fought the omnics until they sparked an explosion that irradiated the outback.

Mako adapted to the new environment by donning a mask and riding the broken highways on his chopper. He became an enforcer, and was eventually hired by Junkrat as a personal bodyguard in exchange for half of Junkrat's profits. Together, the two went on a crime spree around the world.

In Going Legit, Junkrat and Roadhog made a deal with the CEO of Hyde Global in Sydney to rescue its workers from omnic terrorists. They found out that the 'terrorists' were actually Hyde Global drones, and that the CEO had set them up, so they hung him from the top story of his skyscraper before blowing it up.

Junkrat and Roadhog have stolen royal artifacts from King's Row, destroyed shops and trucks in Paris, robbed the arcade in Hanamura, and stolen most of the Bank of Dorado's gold in their crime spree.


Roadhog remains silent at most if not all the time, possibly due to his mask muffling his voice and the fact that he prefers not to speak and instead get things done. As his biography states, he is callous and sociopathic, showing no remorse to his victims and often laughing while on the battlefield.

In spite of his ruthless demeanor, Roadhog possesses traits that contradicts to his behavior. He seems to like stuffed animals and ice cream as conveyed in the A Moment in Crime Special Report where he steals stuffed animals from an amusement park and sabotages an ice cream truck. He also seems to care about his partner Junkrat, and is willing to protect him from causing too much trouble.


  • Roadhog is a very sturdy tank that can take heavy damage and heal himself.
  • Consider pairing Chain Hook and Scrap Gun on enemies that are low on health.
  • Chain Hook interrupts the attacks of enemies.
  • Bastion will forced into recon mode if hooked, making Roadhog a powerful counter.
  • If Tracer is hooked, immediately fire to prevent her using Recall.
  • Roadhog can hook Junkrat's Rip-Tire, with obvious and unpleasant consequences, although it may occasionally be useful for Roadhog to sacrifice himself to protect a more vulnerable team member.
  • If Roadhog jumps off the map and hooks an enemy while doing so, the enemy is also pulled into the fall off the map and resulting certain death.


  • Roadhog was announced on September 22, 2015, alongside Junkrat. Before that, he was teased in two tweets from @PlayOverwatch on Twitter.[1], as well as an in-universe video: A Moment in Crime Special Report: "The Junkers"
  • It is highly likely that Roadhog is of New Zealand Maori heritage due to his real name (Mako) and alternate skin titled "Toa" which is the Maori word for "Warrior".
  • "Mako" is also the Maori word for "the shark" or "a shark tooth" which could explain Roadhog's shark-headed alternate skins.
    • Mako is also a specific species of shark that has a very dark blue coloring much like the "Mako" skin and has a head shaped much like the "helmet" on the "Mako" and "Sharkbait" skins



